NRSC acknowledge that it is essential that children and young people participating in swimming are able to do so in a safe and secure environment. The club accepts and recognises its responsibility by adopting the ASA’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures presently in force together with all future additions and amendments to that policy. The Child Protection Guidelines issued by the ASA in conjunction with the NSPCC, as published in the ASA Wavepower 2020/23, this document can be viewed at -

The theme of Wavepower 2020/23 is to safeguard children and young people in line with current legislation and guidance. The responsibility to safeguard children in our clubs and related activities lies will all those involved in the sport and is not the sole responsibility of any one person at club, county or national level.

All volunteer roles identified in Wavepower 2020/23 are required to:

  • Complete a Disclosure and Barring, (DBS), check and/or Enhanced DBS.
  • Attend a Sports Coach UK Child Protection course and subsequent online training every three years.
  • Are governed by the ASA Code of Ethics and NRSC Volunteer Code of Conduct.

Please contact Leanne Maidement the club Welfare Officer [email protected] if you require any further clarification or have any concerns of a safeguarding nature. In emergency situations please call 999 or for advice call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or SwimLine ASA Helpline on 0808 100 4001.


Parent / Carers

As a parent / carer, you play a key role in ensuring your child’s experiences in an aquatic environment are positive. In 2014 the ASA launched the Attitudes in Sport: Make Yours Count campaign. Excellent resources have been produced to help you understand the essential role you have in supporting your swimmers participation in sport and your positive influence in both club and competitive environments.

For further information visit